Friday 25 July 2008

My hero

A few days ago I had to start my own hero and here is the result.
I hope you like it, thank you!!!
Today is my last day in Queenswood!
I will miss all the people a lot! They are so great!
Kisses for everyone*

Tuesday 22 July 2008

An artist!

Leonardo Da Vinci (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1591)

He was an Italian polymath
and he had been a scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventoe, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician and writer. He was a son of a notary whose name was Piero da Vinci and his mother’s name was Caterina.
In the region of Florence, Leonardo was educated in the studio called Verrocchio. His earlier working life was in the service of Ludovico il Moro in Milan. Then he went to Rome to work for Bologna and Venice and finally he spent his final years in France.

Monday 21 July 2008

My favourite part of the last weekend*

The best day was on Saturday and I think that the part of the day that I most enjoyed was doing the shopping.
So it was the best going to the different shops and looking for some clothes, shoes, souvenirs...but it was also so stressful because the teachers just gave us 1 hour and a half to do all the shopping!
I laughed a lot when I realised that we were runing for the london streets! It was so funny! All time we were saying to other people: excuse me, excuse me, excuse me...
I didn't even have time to eat anything.

Thursday 17 July 2008

An interesing excursion!

On Wednesday we went to London and we did an interesting escursion!

We left Queenswood at 9:30. In the bus most people slept and most of the others were listening to music. We also took different funny pictures in the bus.

When we just arrived, and we got out of the bus, the teachers gave us lunch, which was a sandwich and some snacks. I hate those sandwiches so I didn'take any. Instead of the sandwhich I ate an ice-cream, it was so nice!

After that we stated the excursion. We had a tour guide who was explaining all the time the diferent interestings parts of London and their famous characters. Then we entered on to a boat. It was the most interesting but it makes me a bit scared. That boat smelt so bad but the models were very realistic.
So we went out of the boat with my class. Our teacher let us go for a walk so we went to tower bridge and there we took a lot of photos.
The excursion was finished so we returned to the coach.

An interesting excursion!

Monday 14 July 2008

A funny weekend!

On Friday,

In the evening, after the lessons, we went to the theatre which is in the school. We saw a perfoamnce created by the studients who practised drama workshop. The perfomance was a bit boring, they pretended to scared us but is made me laugh. Also in the thetre the bests students during the week were awoded with a title and with some chocolate.

On Saturday,

In the moring we went to Cambridge. It was fun because we could buy some different things. So the majority of people bought t-shirts and pullovers typical of Cambridge. After doing our shoppping a lot of people went to starbucks for a drink of coffee.

I was surprised because I saw a lot of poeple from Spain in Cambridge. You had been walking at the same time listening to some words in Spanish.

At night was the disco. It was so great and interesting. The music was right, but it could have been better but the most important thing was dancing with our friends and enjoying the moment. Most of people were wearing very nice dresses.
On Sunday,
All day was the same, activities and more activities. Different sports all day, in the moring, after lunch and after dinner.

Thursday 10 July 2008

Bowling and London*

In Queenswood!

On Tuesday we went bowling.

First of we made groups of about 10 people. After that we entered in to the centre and they gave us special bowling shoes and we gave them our shoes.

So we started bowling and it was funny. I didn't win but we enjoyed the time spent with our friends.

On Wednesday we went for an excursion.
If I am confident I have to say that the visit was boring. Also is was so wet, because it didn't stop raining any time.

That's all for today.
